Thursday, December 11, 2008

Jennings' Diary Entries

Date: November. 20. 2008
Dear Diary,
Hello! I decided to make a diary for myself. I Am really sad. I don't like this place is awful. I am also sad because my mom is sick and I can not do nothing to help my mother from her illness I wish I could. I love Doggie he's the only person I talk the most to, he is just like my best friend. Mark is my only friend here well also Doggie of course! I hope mom comes back soon and I am sure she is going to take less than a year, well I hope so.
and sadly
Date: November. 21. 2008
Dear Diary,
Today was a really nice day! Finally me and Mark became friends. Also today at the back yard I met a girl called Stacey, I think she likes me because she gave me a kiss. I was so embarrassed. Today at night almost going to sleep I punched Butch! He did punch me back but now he doesn't bully me anymore. The next day, a sister took me to the same place my mom left me, I thought she was back, but she wasn't. Some couple took me in their car. I was going to a new house, this wasn't very exiting. I was really scared, I hope nothing bad happens to me in my new house.

Dear Mom,
Being at the orphanage was kind of fun, I kind of miss it there now. I totally hated being at Miss and Mr Carpenter's house. Miss Carpenter was mean. She cursed a lot, She even beat me up. at the orphanage a had a friend named mark, he was really nice, he was my friend. Oh, mom I wish Mark could come home with us it will be really fun plus he doesn't have family. I would love to make Mark happy. I also met a girl named Stacey, she liked me! Not that I care of course. At least Stacey went back home with her parents but my friend Mark is still here by himself, I feel bad for him.
Your Son.

Date: December.2nd.2008
Dear Diary,
I am back home. I am happy of seeing my brothers again I really missed mom and my brothers but I am finally back. I miss Home Of Angels. I miss Mark a lot he was my best friend there. Now that I am back home mom doesn't eat enough now I am going back to an orphanage! I am staring to miss mom, home, and my brothers. =[
Date: January 7, 2009
Today my brother Walter came for me to school early. Not because I had an appointment or anything, he came to put my evil teacher in her position. Thanks god her got to change me. to a better school that I liked. I didn't want to play hooky like Larry said. I thought it was a bad idea it would just get me in trouble.

This new school is the best. My teacher really helps me, I think I am catching on really fast. I made a new friend his name is Sal, the bus driver. He is really nice. I totally rust him in anything. I tell him everything. In the weekends I found this really cute cat, he was really young. I called him midnight because he was black. Midnight died pretty soon, that made me real sad. When Midnight died mom was sick and we made her stand up that made her really sick and now she is at the hospital. Now I have to go to another Home. I HATE THIS, Why is my life so hard?
=( Sadly,
January, 27, 2009
Dear Sal,

I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. At school, when those kids jumped me, I thanked god you were there. You took good care of me. If it wasn't for you I will be really hurt. I want also want to thank you for listening to me every afternoon when i got out of school. I feel that you are my real dad because you take really good care of me and I appreciate that. Thanks for everything.

Your Friend,

January 29. 2009
Dear Diary,
I was at the Bronx Zoo. The animals were very cute some were ugly. I was very hungry. The things I ate never filled me up. I ran away because things weren't right. Everyone blamed me, I couldn't take it so I left. I can't wait to see Sal! I feel sad about Larry running away. I think he left because he had to do everything around the house. I miss Him.
Dear Diary,
Today I saw Sal! He is really nice with us. He take us to nice places. One day he took us to see Jerome. I felt really happy. I want my father to die. He says mean things about us but not George. I HATE HIM. I'm not confused anymore. Its all George's fault for mom getting hurt. I felt really sad seeing mom like that. The only things that went through my mind were: Is she going to be ok? and I love you, You can't go now! I am really Sad Now
Sincerely ,
Day # 1
Dear Diary,
I am at a new Orphanage. Its a "prison". Good news: Mark is in this Orphanage! Me and Mark are brothers! We decided to be brothers. Mark says that Sal is not going to adopt him, but I am sure Sal will. Mark has been acting Weird. I think he is sick. I told him to got to the nurse but he wouldn't listen. I don't like the ladies in here, they are mean. I hope they fire them.
Day # 2
Mark fainted today. I felt very sad. He was pale. I tried to scape and find Mark, but they got me first. i got in trouble. I went to Miss Garrison's Office. They Told me the Worst news ever: Mark Died. I am soo sad. I think is good liking someone, because you know they love you and you love them
Date: January 30, 2009
Dear Diary,
I am back home from the orphanage. I saw mom today she looked horrible! Jerome is home now! He told me a lot of things. We even talked about love ! Larry is a drunken bum like George and "dad". Family is getting Worse. Larry has changed a whole lot. I don't like him anymore. I hope mom or Jerome don't die. They are both sick. Now I have to go back to an orphanage. THIS IS THE WORST!

Sincerely, Jennings

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