Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1st paragraph-
The game that I enjoyed the most was called Wizard poetry. In this game I studied the following skills Alliteration, Rhymes, and Rhythm. In order to win this game I had to answer the questions and get keys, then with those keys open the big gate. The thing I enjoyed most about this game was that you had to find keys it was exiting. My partner was Steve G. My partner won. To play this game go to this link (Here).

2nd paragraph-
The other game that I enjoyed the 2nd most was called Pirate Spelling. In this game I studied the following skills Spelling. In order to win this game I had to Listen to the words and spell them correctly. The thing I enjoyed most about this game was the way the parrot looked, it was funny! My partner was Steve G. In this game I was the winner. To play this game go to this link (Here).

The game that I least enjoyed was called Simile or Metaphor? In this game I studied the following skills Similes and Metaphors. In order to win this game I had to tell whether the sentence was a simile or a metaphor. The thing I least enjoyed about this game was the game wasn't exiting at all, it was boring. My partner was Steve G. I won this game. To play this game go to this link (Here).

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